Siva Author of Technology Medium, He loves sharing his knowledge through Technology articles. He is working in DevOps & SRE Domain.

Docker Cheat Sheet, Tips and Tricks

Docker Cheat Sheet, Tips and Tricks

In this blog, we will cover Docker Cheat Sheet, Tips and Tricks.

Getting Started commands

  • To check version of docker

docker --version

  • To check running containers

docker ps

  • To check stopped containers

docker ps -a

  • To check images present locally

docker images

  • To remove all stopped containers

Docker container restart policy

In order to enable a restart policy, you need to use the --restart argument when executing docker run

If you had an already running container that you wanted to change the restart policy for, you could use the docker update command to change that:

docker update --restart unless-stopped container_id

Then if you run a docker inspect for your container and look for RestartPolicy you should be able to see something like this:

    "RestartPolicy": {
        "Name": "unless-stopped",

There are a few other flags that you could specify to the –restart argument.

Argument Description
no This is the default value, it means that the containers would not be restarted
on-failure This would restart the container in case that there is an error and the container crashes
always Always restart the container if it stops
unless-stopped The container would always be restarted unless it was manually stopped

For more information you could take a look at the official documentation here:

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